SDSC HPC Students

SCC20 Competition Plans

The VSCC competition will be completely embracing the model of on-demand HPC computing in the cloud: as part of the competition, students will have the opportunity to build virtual HPC Clusters using the Microsoft Azure cloud computing resource on which to run the different HPC applications. For more details about the SCC20 competition, and a list of the applications that will be run during the competition, visit the SCC site here.

SDSC intends to assemble a team of UCSD undergraduate students and mentors from both SDSC and external HPC Systems sponsors. SCC teams are limited to 6 undergraduate students and a mentor. SDSC plans to select students for the Summer/Fall program. The team will work together over the Summer and the Fall to learn to build on-demand VMs and to run the suite of HPC applications. Team members will be evaluated on experience, ability to work on teams remotely, and availability to work on the project this Summer and Fall for approximately 10-20 hours per week. All team members will recieve UCSD Co-Curricular Record credit. The competition team of 6 undergradaute students will be chosen based factors such as experience, participation, contributions, team member input, and other factors.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, please fill out the application
form below by EOD Monday, June 29th.

Note that acceptance to participate in the VSCC will not require on-site participation in Atlanta, but that there is the possibility for teams to travel to SC if the conference is held in person.

Women, underrepresented minorities, and other groups who are not fully represented in STEM fields are strongly encouraged to apply.