SDSC HPC Students

UC San Diego Students Win MLPerf Contest at 2023 Supercomputing Conference

A team of UC San Diego undergraduate students won third place in the annual Student Cluster Competition (SCC), which was held at the recent 2023 Supercomputing Conference in Denver, Colorado. The students, from the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego, called their team Triton LLC (Last Level Cache). They were among a total of 11 in-person teams from around the world selected to compete. The team placed 3rd overall in the competition. This is the second year in a row the student team has garnered awards at the supercomputing competition.

For more details about the teams competition can be found here: UC San Diego Students Win MLPerf Contest at 2023 Supercomputing Conference

For details about this years competition, see the US Student Cluster Competition home page here and the SC23 SCC page.

About the competition: The annual Supercomputing conference (SC23) will be held in Denver, CO. SCC was developed in 2007 to immerse undergraduate and high school students in high performance computing. The SCC teams consist of 6 students who will design and build a small cluster with support from mentors and hardware and software vendor partners. They will learn designated scientific applications and apply optimization techniques for their chosen architectures. SCC teams compete against teams from around the world, in a non-stop 48-hour challenge to complete a real-world scientific workload, while keeping the cluster up and running, and demonstrating to the judges their HPC skills and knowledge. All team members are invited to attend the conference. Last years SCC23 team Wins HPL Benchmark, as well as placoing 3rd/10 teams in the overall competition. For more information, see: US Student Cluster Competition.